I presented my new portfolio to my fellow devs

15th Jul 2022

An online meeting

I had high-standards to meet and I had a week to prepare

I’ve been taking Zell Liew’s Build and Deploy workshop on the Astro Static Site Generator. (Aside: this course was a great value as it was an 8-week live workshop with 1 hour instructional time, followed by an after-party which was open-discussion which, could range from 30 minutes to an hour). During the course, we started talking about showing what we had built with our newly acquired knowledge. That’s when I decided to build this portfolio site and have at least a v1 available for review.

I worked HARD to prepare

From start to v1, I had about a week to prototype, write content, learn and build. I wanted to have something that looked well-developed. I also didn’t want to disappoint as in this class, we have an audience from around the world and some of my peers were up very late.

Elements that were ready

Through the week, I worked on getting the following items done:

  • Home page
    • Intro
    • Characteristics
    • Experience (GitHub projects)
    • Blog content
      • Show published blogs only
      • Show blogs by published date
      • Show 3 blogs on home screen
      • Individual blog pages
    • Outro
  • Looks good on mobile and extra wide screens
  • Header
  • Footer

I presented my site

The day came and after our final lesson, Zell handed over the reigns to me. I was ready for this. I presented my portfolio site to my peers. I showed them what I created in Figma. Then, showed them the home page and pointed out some of the technical aspects, such as the GitHub integration and pointing out other technical aspects.

Everything was good

The comments in the chat were overwhelmingly good! Everybody had nice compliments about the design and functionality of my site. From the beginning, I’ve had a good experience with web developers. I’ve felt that our community is welcoming and this experience was no different. Everybody was very supportive of my presentation and I even received some valuable input:

Just a little feedback, aligning the cards so that the title, description, date, hyperlinks start and end at the same height would make it more clean.

Noted, now back to work 😉



Adam facts:

Adam loves hiking, even in the Arizona heat 🥵